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Landed on this page following logon???

  1. Please try to logon again with your initials in your User Id in all CAPS. Example: NFA123 (NFA must be in CAPS when loggin in).
  2. If you have logged on as instructed above and still land here your account is most likely inactive. Please send us an email using the address below and request your account be reactivated.
  3. If you are currently trying to logon using your 10-digit FEMA SID# STOP follow directions on the registration screen for your User Id.

Contacting Us For Help:

If you still find you need our assistance, you MUST contact us via email (NO TELEPHONE CONTACT) at: NFAOnlinehelp@fema.dhs.gov

  • Our staff will be available Monday to Friday (on normal business days) from 8am to 5pm EST to respond to email inquiries.
  • Feel free to submit issues after hours and staff will respond to you as soon as possible.
  • Please allow a 24 - 48 hour response time for all emails submitted. Thanks for your patience.

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